Total Responses
Many surveys only generate a response rate of less than 5%. It was therefore gratifying that this survey’s response rate was approximately 33% = 96 members.
This total compares extremely well with the last two AGM where about 15% of all members were present. As not all spoke at the AGM, the survey is more representative as all respondees expressed a views.
Age & Gender (Qs 1 & 2)
The age of members largely reflected the age (and active member profile) of BIVC as a whole with the fast majority (96%) being over 46 years old – of this 30% were over 60 years old.
The gender split was not so representative with the majority (61%) being female.
Length of Membership (Q 3)
Members were more or less equally split between those who had been members for 5 years or less (51%) and those who had been members longer.
This should mean that the results should represent both members who have fresh views and those who have been members longer - who often are, wrongly, seen as resistant to change.
Events (Qs 4 - 8)
The survey reflects the views of fairly active members, with the majority of responses (83%) from members who attended an event at least once a month.
Of the ‘regularly’ attended events (i.e. every couple of months), meals, Wed & Friday evening pub, walks/rambles and weekends away seemed to be the most popular – each being around 11%.
Of the ‘occasionally’ attended events (i.e. less than every couple of months), meals, walks/rambles and weekends away seemed to be the most popular – each ‘scoring’ over 13%.
In response to the question “Are there other events/activities would you like to see organised ?”, there were a number of suggestions which are summarised here.
As is generally acknowledged, the majority of members (72%), only organised two or less than two events annually - this has been the case over many years. What may be of greater concern is that 27% never organise an event !
It was notable that although the vast majority (60%) were active members i.e. attending events at least every couple of weeks, only 28% said that they organised more than two events a year.