There was support for any of the three suggested options from less than half of members (38%).
On reflection any proposal to secure a share in a yacht is not practical in the light of the need to always have an experienced skipper and at least one other person who knows something about sailing.
Of these options, the canal boat was the most popular with support from 26% of members. However, the majority of members indicated that they would only use it once or twice a year.
A number of alternative were suggested that might be worth investigating :
- “Getting young women into the club” – perhaps a tongue in cheek suggestion but there were a number of references to ‘young members’ and the general age profile.
- Use of a full-time (paid) person to develop BIVC
- Acquire property.
- There seemed to be consistent perceived need to plan / consult about / gain approval to any significant expenditure and that such expenditure should be within a structured plan for BIVC.
There was a lack of any kind on consensus on how to spend the capital sum on a project that benefits the majority of members. There was also a lack of any real considered comprehensive vision of where BIVC needs to go / how it should develop. Perhaps there is a need to develop this and then see how all the Club’s resources can be used to support a successful future.