How to Use Our Capital

The following comments were made on the various options that had already been identified as possible options.  A number of other suggestions were made which are also summarised below.

Canal Boat
  • I do not think there would be a sustained long-term usage of a canal boat.
  • I think the canal boat idea is the best option - it gives a large number of people the ability to experience the event

Caravan/Mobile Home
Static caravans quickly become boring by their very nature of being in one place. Also, accommodates few people.

  • It could be split and used to do several things, according to what members want. Buying a boat yacht or caravan would only benefit those who like that sort of holiday and is inequitable. The money should benefit all members.
  • Should be used to benefit the maximum number of members.
  • It should benefit a maximum number of members
  • It's got to benefit all
  • The above items would only benefit a small number of members.
  • If any canal boat or caravan was purchased it should be kept in a place that is accessible to all members travelling on public transport and not just for car users


Employ staff
  • Pay for a full time administrator - it's a lot of work to organise something like this.
  • Employ a development officer part time for a year – for role, see also *** below

Develop BIVC
  • *** Increase Membership and plan 5 year development of club, including more local offshoot clubs, website development and how to attract new members who are in 20s30s or black minority ethnic as they make up over 50% of young people in Brum
  • Use towards the setting up of a 'Young IVC' group that might have little if any direct benefit to current members.
  • Set up a new IVC for young people, otherwise IVC will probably not exist in 10 years time as the age group will then be an old age pensioners group.
  • Perhaps get some decent publicity? i.e. display ad. once a month in Mail.
  • Invest most of it in market research & strategy and publicity to develop the club over next 5 years.

Purchase property
  • A new more modern "farmhouse" with separate bedrooms.
  • A time-share in a land based property on the coast, perhaps in Wales

Retain some Capital
Fund major initiatives but there should always be a substantial amount retained should the club run into difficulties as a result of any major initiatives or shortfall in any other area.